Sustainable Quarterly


Students will conceptualize and design a unique, original publication that highlights sustainable practices in a chosen discipline of inquiry. This project builds on the layout skills developed in GD201, by advancing practical skills in complex layout design, and concept development, and concept creation, with the addition of new types of page layouts, and insights into sustainability. Type should be a primary element throughout the design. Students will work as a group, and class will be divided as 4 groups for this project.


This project will help students to:

  • Develop a unique concept and actualize the idea into physical form.
  • Design a logical grid system for organizing complex information across a range of content formats. 
  • Apply appropriate typographic hierarchy to layered textual information to support a readerly experience of sequential design.
  • Create original content by engaging with non-design professionals in cross-disciplinary fields.
  • Engage contemporary design practice and incorporate compelling elements that employ print-specific advantages into the overall design, but in a format that can also be shared digitally.
  • Learn how to work as a group with other designers for a design project, and to communicate for consistency and unity of the main design theme.

Spring 2020. GD203 Advanced Typography
Department of Graphic Design

Stuckeman School
College of Arts and Architecture
Penn State University

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